Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Princess in the Pear

Interesting title...considering I was a princess yesterday for my birthday =P lol I'm looking forward to this episode^^ After the last two, I'm psyched for this one. Yayz^^

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wow...Long Time, Huh?

It seems like it's been forever since I've posted last. Well, it may be another eternity for the next one. lol Hey, lookin' forward to the season finale? I sure as hell am!!! Booth and Bones...doing things...nothing to force them'll be sweet^^ lol

Hey, what'd you guys think about that last episode? The one where Booth was kidnapped and you met the guy he named his son after (he was so cute^^ in a teddy bear sort of way though...)? Well, I was shocked to find out that the Gravedigger was that chick, and I was also shocked that Bones smacked her over the head with a suitcase!! I was expecting her to freak, yes, but to fwap someone like that? lol YOU GO BONES!!!^^

Ooh, and what about what Jared did? I was like, DAMN!!! It's about time he stepped up and did something for Seeley! But I'm starting to like him cuz of it...shhh don't tell him that...XD lol

*sighs* I just cannot wait for them to confess their love already!!! Geez, dudes...

But they're still completely adorable, either way^^