Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Princess in the Pear

Interesting title...considering I was a princess yesterday for my birthday =P lol I'm looking forward to this episode^^ After the last two, I'm psyched for this one. Yayz^^


Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't post on your birthday. But I'm glad to hear that you had an awesome time!
I really wanna chat to you but we're never on at the same time. :(
We'll work it out somehow lol.
How are you????
Talk soon,
love you x =]

Anonymous said...

Kayla-bear!! We so need to talk!!! Missing you so much over here!!! When do you next think you'll be online???
Tell me! I really miss you xD

Heehee, David Cook lol. Wow! 'nough said lool. :P

Love you xx :)

Anonymous said...

It has been forever, my internet has been down for the last few days but now its working!! So I'm going to be on msn until around 9pm my time. So if you're on at around lunch your time, we might be able to chat!!!!!

Miss you so much. I really want to have like a proper chat with you. I need someone to talk to who is not in my school or someone I see everyday! =D

Lol. The other day I had a dream about David Cook. Me, him and some other random people were lost and we were looking for shelter and he gave me his jumper lol and it smelt really nice haha. That was a bit weird lool. :P

I have been so busy too, but now I have organised my time so I should be able to post and chat more!!!!

Heehee, love you most Kayla!!!
Missing you so much, we WILL talk soon.
xx :)

Anonymous said...

Oh!! I'm so sorry!! I missed when you were gunna be on. :(
I'm so sorry, I really wanted to talk. I WILL be logged on when I can be.
Really missing you though, I really wanna chat.
Love you xx